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Thursday, July 9, 2009

The New Hampshire Economic Recovery Coalition

While New Hampshire's Legislature seems intent on wiping out the New Hampshire Advantage, raising 38 taxes and fees so far this year, the Telegram reports that the Massachusetts Legislature is doing its part to help the Granite State bounce back:

Come Aug. 1, the state's recently raised 6.25 percent sales tax will apply to alcoholic beverages, a cause for concern for sellers on the state's northern and southern borders. In the north, merchants fear the new taxes will drive business to sales tax-free New Hampshire, while stores on the southern edge of the state will lose some of the competitive advantage they have enjoyed over Connecticut and Rhode Island.

Proponents argue that applying the state's new 6.25 percent sales tax to alcohol will bring in nearly $80 million for substance abuse programs. They also note that New Hampshire charges more in excise taxes on beer than Massachusetts, so the disparity in prices caused by the sales tax will not be as high.

We are pleased that Massachusetts and Vermont continue their efforts as part of the New Hampshire Economic Recovery Coalition.
Hattip: Union Leader

1 comment:

  1. Our NH legislature is mostly a bunch of morons, there are a few intelligent people in it but they are sadly outnumbered. Their combined IQs make a similar number of monkeys appear as geniuses.
