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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Calls for freedom from western Canada

We spend most of our time here at NH Watchdog worrying about the state budget, stimulus spending, basically any granite-flavor wonkism you can think of. But we also like to stand up for free speech, and salute those who stand up for freedom when it is under attack. Such is the case today, as Calgary Herald joins the fray against one of our least favorite institutions of censorship, the Canadian Human Rights Commission:

Indeed, we have always held it to be a peculiar pathology that Canada, though reflexively rejecting a two-tier health system, would tolerate a two-tier justice system. That is, as an alternative to judgment by the standards of the Canadian Criminal Code under which the accused citizen is availed of many rights, predictable procedural expectations and customary defences, Canadians will also allow their free speech and publication rights to be policed under a system of agenda-motivated provincial and federal tribunals, where none of those protections exist.

Read the whole thing, if that's your preference, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome article in the Calgary Herald: well researched, well written.
