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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Raymond Shakir: Don't let them turn NH into a high-tax state

Raymond Shakir of North Conway pens a column in this morning's Union Leader, arguing that there are two competing premises for governing New Hampshire.

The first is effeciency and less spending:
The second argument, espoused by many in the current leadership, is one based on the belief that our current fiscal crisis is, among other things, a result of not collecting enough taxes. They openly advocate countless fee and tax increases. Furthermore, they campaign on the creation of a "fair and just" tax system, not by reducing the need to tax, but by increasing existing taxes and instituting new ones.

Shakir goes on to point out that effort to reduce property taxes in other states by replacing them with new taxes hasn't worked out that way:
The current leadership preaches that these taxes would significantly offset real estate taxes. That is not true. Here is proof: Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont: take your pick, on average, their real estate tax rates are roughly comparable to or somewhat lower than New Hampshire's. However, their sales and income taxes are nothing short of punishing. They have an overall tax burden much higher than here in New Hampshire.

Furthermore, without question, New Hampshire's lack of such taxes creates a tremendous advantage in terms of attracting business and consumers to this state. Instituting sales or income taxes will no doubt destroy that advantage and decrease state revenues. The result will be even higher sales and income taxes.

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